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Notes on Craft: Writing in the Hour of Genocide

Fargo Nissim Tbakhi Protean Magazine
An early version of these remarks was delivered as part of the “Palestine as a Craft Question” panel at the Radius of Arab American Writers (RAWI) Fest in Minneapolis, on October 27th, 2023.

Why Arab States Aren’t Using Oil as a Weapon Against Israel

Hafawa Rebhi Jacobin
During the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Arab oil producers cut off exports to Israel’s allies. Faced with today’s Israeli war on Gaza, Gulf states dismiss the idea of using the “oil weapon” — an index of how much they have abandoned the Palestinian cause.

Sunday Science: New Technique To Reveal Virtual Particles

Sabine Hossenfelder Sabine Hossenfelder - Science News
The experiment this week is about an experiment which will measure nothing. But not any nothing. A very specific nothing, that's the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics.

Hurricane Milei

Mariano Schuster and Pablo Stefanoni, Nueva Sociedad NACLA Reports
How can we understand the political shift in Argentina that led to an extreme right-wing outsider coming to power? Here are seven key points for unpacking the unprecedented election.