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Big Oil Stifling Democracy To Keep Burning Fossil Fuels

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
"The multinational $4 trillion fossil fuel industry has not only corrupted citizens' understanding of the climate crisis but also contributed to the erosion of democracy around the world."

The Challenge to the Left in 2024

Portside Moderators Portside
Can democracy in the United States survive naked dictatorial ambition and Christian nationalism in 2024? Here is how we -- the Portside moderators -- see it. And how you can help Portside.

Massachusetts Blues

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
It’s not just far-right Republicans who undermine democracy. A majority of voters in the Bay State favor progressive policies, but don’t get them. Why not?

The Challenge of Fusion Power

M. Mitchell Waldrop Knowable Magazine
Scientists have been chasing the dream of harnessing the reactions that power the Sun since the dawn of the atomic era. Interest, and investment, in the carbon-free energy source is heating up.

The West’s Love for Israel Erases the Middle East’s Real History

Ussama Makdisi Jacobin
Zionism emerged in response to 19th-century European antisemitism — but its aims in Palestine drew upon Western colonial ideologies. To present the current conflict as a timeless feud denies both European responsibility and Palestine’s multiethnic hi