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How ‘Energy Democracy’ Could Build the Grid of the Future

Susan B. Inches Governing
The sale of electric utilities to corporate investors has brought more power outages and rate hikes. Local ownership has the potential for lower rates, better service and a quicker transition to renewable energy.

How the United States Underdeveloped Somalia

Jason C. Mueller Marxist Sociology Blog - Theory, Research, Politics
US’ historical legacies of brutality in Somalia, connecting these patterns to the US corporate interests in extracting natural resources in Somalia, and the broader legacies of militarized accumulation, environmental destruction, and racist brutality

Social Security and Medicare: Fun With Numbers Time

Dean Baker CEPR
The whole subsidy to retiree story is a diversion from the many important issues facing the country. Even the core idea, that we don’t adequately support the young because we give too much to the elderly is wrong.

This Week in People’s History, Nov 28-Dec 4

Crowd packs NYC's Union Square protesting Tom Mooney's frame-up
Tom Mooney Reprieved (in 1918), Oil Embargo Layoffs (1973), Vaccine for Millions (1803), "Unrestrained, Indiscriminate Police Violence" (1968), Monroe Doctrine is Too Old (1823), NYC Says 'No' to Lynch Law (1933), Slavery's Enemies Organize (1833)