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The West’s Love for Israel Erases the Middle East’s Real History

Ussama Makdisi Jacobin
Zionism emerged in response to 19th-century European antisemitism — but its aims in Palestine drew upon Western colonial ideologies. To present the current conflict as a timeless feud denies both European responsibility and Palestine’s multiethnic hi

This Week in People’s History, Dec 5–11

Union pickets outside Republic Windows and Doors Factory
Si, Se Puede! (in 2008), Exposing FBI Crimes (1973), Bartenders Win Half a Loaf (1948), Great Art at Greater Prices (1933), Don't Forget the Genocide Convention (1948), Don't Forget Human Rights, Either (1948), $1 Million Is Chump Change

How a Young Communist Won and Lost Power in Postwar Japan

Chris Dite Jacobin
Today marks a decade since the death of Japanese communist Toshiko Karasawa. Her courageous life is a testament to the revolutionary potential of anti-imperialism, but also the difficult choices faced by the Left in US client states.

Jews and American Popular Culture Again, Under Stress

Paul Buhle
These days, flourishing popular culture studies unearths more heavily-Jewish subjects long buried away. Along with them, the old divisions of Right and Left within Jewish American life seem to be on display once more.