"Cease-fire is the first step to stop the ongoing genocide by the Israeli military of the over 2 million Palestinians in besieged Gaza," asserted Jewish Voice for Peace.
Earlier this month, California passed a bill requiring the state to produce a study and recommendations on expanding the state’s social housing sector. Organizers hope it will be the first step in providing de-commodified shelter on a large scale.
We live in a very different time, where the skeptics see science not as Truth, but rather as propaganda of the dominant elites to manipulate and control us.
Jeff Schuhrke, Sarah Lazare
In These Times - Labor
“U.S. military aid going in is pouring gasoline onto a fire. It encourages that there be military solutions, and military solutions will get more people killed.
Undersigned Israel-Based Progressives and Peace Activists
We emphasize: there is no contradiction between staunchly opposing the Israeli subjugation and
occupation of Palestinians and unequivocally condemning brutal acts of violence against innocent
Kaiser health care workers launched the biggest such strike in US history earlier this month. Their contract agreement, announced late last week, shows the landmark strike secured big gains for workers and patients alike.
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