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This Week in People’s History, Oct. 10-Oct. 16

President Reagan sitting at his desk in front of an aerial photo of fighter plans on the ground in Cuba
U.S. to World Court: Drop Dead! (in 1983). ACT UP shuts down FDA (1988). Secrecy runs amuck (1973). Stars and stripes fly over Dixie (1863). GIs strike against Vietnam War (1968). SCOTUS prefers civil wrongs (1883). Athletes protest racism (1968).

Gaza Shatters the Facade of ‘Calm’

Mohammed R. Mhawish 972 Magazine
Palestinians have long warned that Israel's blockade and repeated aggressions would eventually lead to an explosion. But few of us in Gaza expected this.

The Great Medicaid Unwinding

Adam Gaffney The Nation
Millions of Americans lost their coverage earlier this year when a pandemic-era policy expired. The consequences are detrimental to the very practice of medicine.


Eric Foner London Review of Books
King, Eig warns us, has been ‘defanged’. On Martin Luther King Jr Day, we don’t hear the voice of the radical King, the ally of the labour movement and critic of economic inequality and war.

Sunday Science: FAMILY TIES

Andrew Curry Science
Giant family trees based on ancient DNA from thousands of people are revealing prehistoric politics and social structure

Ten Elements of a Leftist Peace Policy

Claudia Haydt The Left Berlin
The interests of people must be foregrounded in leftist peace policy. Solidarity with victims of war, violence, and those in need motivates our stance. Nonetheless, supporting imperialist violence in the name of leftist values is not a solution.

Battleground Virginia

Gabrielle Gurley American Prospect
The Old Dominion’s neck-and-neck legislative elections have huge implications for abortion rights, public education, gun safety, and Glenn Youngkin’s political future.

Resistance in Gaza Launches Attack on Israel

Tareq S. Hajjaj and Mondoweiss Editors Mondoweiss
At around 6:30 a.m., Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel from land, sea, and air, as thousands of rockets have been launched into Israel and reportedly dozens of Israelis, including soldiers, have been killed.

Humanoid Robots

Hiawatha Bray Boston Globe
They may finally be coming to the business world — starting in warehouses