Nostalgia is frequently invoked by the reactionary right, but it has its uses on the left. We must reach towards the stars without forgetting all that remains buried in the ground beneath our feet.
There is a vicious cycle at work: While wildfires are destroying biodiversity, biodiversity loss may contribute to increased susceptibility to wildfires.
Miguel Ferguson, !Brigadistas! An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War, ed. Paul Buhle and Fraser Ottanelli, art by Anne Timmons (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2022).
The documented U.S. role in the months, days and hours before the overthrow of Chilean President Salvador Allende. Nixon and Kissinger commiserated over the fact that they wouldn’t receive laudatory credit in the media for Allende’s demise.
It’s not enough for students to simply learn about the sit-ins or Freedom Rides. SNCC’s organizing campaigns need to be at the center of civil rights curriculum.
As Christian nationalists take advantage of a moment of political precarity to call for a turn toward authoritarian theocracy, the press should be paying attention to those rising up to preserve democracy in America.
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