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The New Rightwing Laws Taking Effect in Texas

Ed Pilkington The Guardian
Hundreds of new state laws come into effect on 1 September, including attacking trans rights, further limiting abortion and pushing back climate efforts

Only a Social Movement Can Win Real Immigration Reform

David Bacon David Bacon Reality Check
"All over the country, immigrant workers are a big part of the workforce. They're all part of a base that can force change. We can't depend on political winds or what people tell us is possible. We have to be tenacious for what's just and righteous."

How To Better Tax the Rich Men North (and South) of Richmond

Amy Hanauer The Hill
I’ll take the sentiments from both Oliver Anthony and Billy Bragg to honor working class narratives, channel feelings of disempowerment, and push for a more economically just country. Starting with better taxing rich men, wherever they live.

Friday Nite Videos | September 1, 2023

How Ron DeSantis Let Billionaires Destroy Florida. Jamie Raskin on Trump's Possible Disqualification. Poor Things | Movie. Adam Driver talks SAG Strike, Netflix and Amazon. AI Finally Beats Humans at a Real-life Sport — Drone Racing.

Tidbits – Aug.31, 2023 – Reader Comments: Racist Gun Violence Fueled by MAGA; March on Washington, Chicano Moratorium; GOP “Debate”; Capital Destruction, Maui; Hollywood Runs on Low Pay; Dolly Parton–The Book Lady; 50th Anniversary of Chile Coup;

Reader Comments: Racist Gun Violence Fueled by MAGA; March on Washington, Chicano Moratorium; GOP "Debate"; Capital Destruction and Maui; Hollywood Runs on Low Pay; Dolly Parton - The Book Lady; 50th Anniversary of Chile Coup; Cartoons; more....

Can We Learn From Cuba’s Sustainable Revolution?

Elias Ferrer Breda Forbes
Being forced to live with scarce quantities of fossil fuels, it has pioneered different forms of energy saving and alternative energy production. In the last two decades, Cuba has made important achievements in building a more sustainable society