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The Impact of the Raise the Wage Act of 2023, by Congressional District

Ben Zipperer Economic Policy Institute
The federal minimum hourly wage is just $7.25 and has not increased in 14 years, the longest period of congressional inaction in the history of the minimum wage. The real, cost-of-living-adjusted value of the minimum wage has fallen by 30%.

This Week in People’s History, Aug. 28 – Sept. 5

Hurricane Katrina victims in New Orleans wading through waist-deep floodwater
Deadly weather in 2005. KKK run out of town in 1923. FBI informers mess up in 1973. The telephone industry discovers women workers in 1878. TV news is ready for prime time in 1963. Frederick Douglass frees himself in 1838. Ethnic cleansing in 1838.

“It’s Always About Oil”

Amy Goodman, Juan González, Ervand Abrahamian, Taghi Amirani Democracy Now!
The CIA & MI6 Staged Coup in Iran 70 Years Ago, Destroying Democracy in Iran

Giving Shakespeare the Tough Love He Deserves

John Douglas Thompson New York Times
In “The Great White Bard,” Farah Karim-Cooper maintains that close attention to race, and racism, will only deepen engagement with the playwright’s canon.