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We Did Not Evolve To Be Selfish

April Short Indpendent Media Institute
A new paper on multilevel cultural evolution shows how looking to our cultural evolutionary origins might help us improve society.

The Tragedy of Misunderstanding the Commons

Stephen Stoll In These Times - Rural
Twelfth-century peasants developed commons practices to survive domination. We could use them to reclaim our lives from capitalism.

War Without Humans

Barbara Ehrenreich TomDispatch
In 1997, Barbara Ehrenreich went after the human attraction to violence in her book Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. Now, in an updated, adapted version of an afterword, she turns from the origins of war to its endpoint.

This Week in People’s History, August 22 – 28

Cartoon of a Wanted Poster for Jesus, "Wanted for Sedition"
"First Amendment, what's that?" in 1918. GIs sit-in, go to jail in 1968. An invasion is an invasion in 1968. KKK run out of town in 1923. Lead paint deadly in 1983 (and it still is). Trying to outlaw war in 1928. March on Washington in 1963.