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Montana Kids Win Historic Climate Lawsuit

Amber Polk The Conversation
Judge Kathy Seeley’s ruling in the youths’ favor sets a powerful precedent for the role of “green amendments” in climate litigation.

EU for the Few

The Left Berlin
The right to safety and pursuit of happiness belongs to every human being. This can be reached only through freedom of movement as a universal right.

This Week in People’s History, August 15 – 21

Photographic portrait of abolitionist Henry Highland Garnet
Debating the abolition of slavery in 1843. Klaus Barbie's friends in the CIA in 1983. Birth of a hero in 1913. If I Had a Hammer in 1962. U.S. meddling in Iran in 1953. The War on Poverty starts in 1964. U.S. meddling in Vietnam in 1963.

Constrain the Court—Without Crippling It

Laurence H. Tribe New York Review
Critics of the Supreme Court think it has lost its claim to legitimacy. But proposals for reforming it must strike a balance with preserving its power and independence, which remain essential to our constitutional system.