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“We Are at the Beginning of a New Phase”

Roberto Morea interviews Fausto Bertinotti Transform! Europe
Italy needs a coalition — not a coalition of anti-fascist forces, but rather a coalition for anti-fascism.

On War, Assange, Refugees and Climate, Lula Is Outraged

Paolo Vittoria Il Manifesto Global
We must build a utopia that can defeat the utopia of the right, which says the state is worth nothing, the state must be weak and private initiative solves everything. We have to make sure that the movement of people is as free as economic movement.

Abortion Ballot Measures Set the Stage Ahead of 2024

Caroline Vakil The Hill
Florida, South Dakota and Arizona are also battlegrounds for whether abortion is restricted or protected as states continue to contend with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last summer.

Nanoplastics Are Entering Our Bodies

Erica Cirino The Bullet
Clearly, micro- and nanoplastics are getting into us, with at least some escaping through our digestive tracts. We seem to be drinking, eating, and breathing it in.

Where Am ‘I’? Your Brain and You

Diana Kwon Scientific American
How does your brain create a physical sense of self? New insight comes from zapping a region, known as the anterior precuneus, that causes people to feel dissociated from their body.