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This Week in People’s History, June 27–July 3

Newspaper headline: World Court Supports Nicaragua
International law? What's that? in 1986. First marches for Gay Pride in 1970. Saving a bridge in 1923. Torturers unwelcome in 1980. Bronx hospital patients first in 1970. Guantanamo opens in 1903. Gettysburg in 1863.

The Long War on Black Studies

Robin D. G. Kelley New York Review
It would be a mistake to think of the current wave of attacks on “critical race theory” as a culture war. This is a political battle.

The Unfolding Medicaid Disaster

Andrew Perez, Nick Byron Campbell The Lever
Now that Biden and Congress have ended pandemic protections, nearly a million have lost Medicaid coverage for procedural reasons so far — and many more will.