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Can Canada Contain Conflagration?

Steve Pyne History News Network
The serial ice ages that erased and repopulated Canada like a palimpsest have yielded to a fire age that is rewriting history with flame. An interglacial period has morphed into an epoch in its own right. Call it the Pyrocene.

What Juneteenth Looks Like for Prisoners

Antoine Davis and Darrell Jackson Waging Nonviolence
As Black men in prison, we live the tension between celebrating the abolition of slavery and struggling inside the system that replaced it.

This Week in People’s History, June 20 . . .

President Reagan giving a speech about smuggling arms to the Contras
CIA impunity in 1988. U.S. imperialism's baby steps in 1898. Free speech for Nazis in 1978. U.S. responsibility for Vietnam War in 1971. Smallpox-infected presents in 1763. Voting wrongs, not rights, in 2013. Haymarket prisoners pardoned in 1893.

The Colonial Origins of the UChicago Police

Julian Go Rampart
Modern policing has its origin in colonial violence. The University of Chicago has long played a part in cultivating, promoting, spreading, and normalizing the tools of such state violence.