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Woody and Pete on Fascism

Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger UnAmerican Bandstand
This a radio program recorded in the 1940s in which Woody Guthrie sings accompanied in that performance by Sonny Terry on harmonica, Pete Seeger on banjo and Cisco Houston on guitar, they sing the chorus together. Also, two short videos with Pete.

Hopping Across the Line

John Washington The New York Review
In Soldiers and Kings, Jason De León uses the anthropological method of “deep hanging out” to offer a complicated portrait of migrant smugglers.

Chanukah Is a Choice Between Life and Death: Choose Life

Alan Wagman Portside
We need not surrender Chanukah to Zionism’s dark vision. As rabbis refocused Chanukah more than a millennium ago, we can honor the instruction in Deuteronomy, “. . . I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life . . . "

Looking Backward Autobiographically

Victor Grossman MR OnLine
I still retain sparks of hope that 2025 will not see more gains for the biblical Four Horsemen—War, Pestilence, Famine and Devastation—but rather more struggle, at least a little forward and upward motion. Inshallah!

The Infant Revolution in Bach’s Christmas Music

David Yearsley CounterPunch
"Consider this exchange, you who can think of it; The King becomes a subject, The Lord appears as a vassal and is for the human race – o sweet word in every ear – born for our comfort and salvation."

MAGA Civil War Erupts

Emily Brooks and Julia Shapero The Hill
A war between High Tech Corporate leaders and the anti-immigrant MAGA base.