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Pat Fry: A Tribute in Memoriam

Geoffrey Jacques Portside
Pat Fry was a long-time activist, journalist, and leader in the working class, peace, solidarity, anti-imperialist, and left-wing and socialist movements in the United States, dies after long struggle with cancer.

Half the Police Force Quit. Crime Dropped.

Radley Balko New York Times
The resignations came after Golden Valley, Minnesota hired its first Black police chief to begin addressing issues of racial profiling.

Palestinian Resistance Will Not Be Snuffed Out by Israel

Mohammed R. Mhawish Jacobin
This week’s Israeli incursion into Jenin showed the violence of occupation and blatant disregard for Palestinian rights. At least 133 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since the start of this year alone.

An Independence Day Reflection

Frederick Douglass Yes!
Nearly 160 years after Frederick Douglass first delivered his iconic address "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?," his questions and challenges are as relevant as ever.