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Election Analysis – What Happens, Why, What Next?

Peter Dreier Peter Dreier
The country is evenly divided when it comes to party preference. Trump did not win a landslide like FDR in 1936, Johnson in 1964, Nixon in 1972, Reagan in 1980, or Obama in 2008. He won by a small margin in the Electoral College and popular vote.

What Trump Can and Can’t Do to Immigrants

David Bacon Dollars & Sense
In the wake of Trump’s first election to the presidency, David Bacon’s perspectives on the economic context of immigration policy and how Trump can—and can’t—shape it are still relevant after his re-election victory.

It’s Happening Again

Matt Karp Jacobin
And until Democrats can find a way to win back some large chunk of working-class voters, Donald Trump’s successors will be favored in the next presidential election too.

Paint out the Vote

Luke Goldstein The American Prospect
The Painters Union has driven a bus through swing states trying to turn out union members for Kamala Harris. It hasn’t been the smoothest ride.