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This Week in People’s History, Oct 30-Nov 5

The cover of the jacket for Bruce Springsteen's single, "Born In the U.S.A"
‘The Boss’ Protests (1984), Halloween Parade Is Born (1974), Algeria Fights for Freedom (1954), Safety First Isn’t for Everyone (1974), Thanks for Your Service (1874), Global Warming’s a Hoax. Really? (2019), If You Can’t Beat ’em, Shoot ’em (1934)

In Search of the Trump-Osborn Voters

Austin Ahlman The American Prospect
Dan Osborn is forging a new path through red states with anti-corporate populism and working-class identity politics.

“We the People” Includes We the Incarcerated

Kwaneta Harris Yes Magazine
Since the end of the Civil War, the United States has found ways to disenfranchise Black voters. It started with literacy tests and poll taxes and threats of racist violence. Now, it’s through voter suppression laws and mass incarceration.