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25 Islamic Imans and Clerics Urge Muslims Across US To Defeat Trump

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
"Knowingly enabling someone like Donald Trump to return to office, whether by voting directly for him or for a third-party candidate, is both a moral and a strategic failure." [Full letter from Islamic Imans and Clerics, listing signers is below]

Ta-Nehisi Coates Is Bucking the Media’s Palestine Consensus

Branko Marcetic Jacobin
The problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates’s recent grilling on Palestine by CBS News’s Tony Dokoupil isn’t that it was rude. It’s that Dokoupil’s questioning betrays a fundamental lack of concern for Palestinians’ basic humanity, shared across mainstream me

The United States and Israel Set Out To Remake the Middle East, Again

Mitchell Plitnick Mondoweiss
The mood in Washington today is similar to 2003 when the neocons of the Bush administration sought to remake the Middle East. This time, a joint vision shared by Israel and the Biden administration seeks to remake the region in the West’s vision.