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Venezuela’s Disputed Election and the Path Forward

Center for Economic and Policy Research CEPR
The crisis in Venezuela is unlikely to be resolved soon. Public pressure for diplomacy, negotiations, an end to sanctions and other illegal, coercive measures; and in favor of cooperation with other governments who share those goals is needed.

Harris Can Change Biden’s Policy on Israel Just by Upholding the Law

Peter Beinart New York Times
The law in question has been on the books for more than a decade. It prohibits the United States from assisting any unit of a foreign security force that commits “gross violations” of human rights. But it has never been applied to Israel.

This Week in People’s History, Aug 21–27

5 arrested demonstrators being escorted out of a Jim-Crow library
Open to the Public? (1939), Dissin’ Freedom Democrats (1964), Voters Say ‘No’ to the Klan (1924), Starting a Revolution (1774), Broadway’s a Tough Place to Take a Break (1959), Protecting Miners’ Health (1969), A Setback for Civil Rights (1949)

How Orangeism Paved the Way for British Capital

Mark Hackett Monthly Review
William’s rise to power brought new means of exploitation and expropriation, by which the assets and rights of the common people were eroded and a massive concentration of wealth at the top end of the scale enabled.

Bring American Communists out of the Shadows — and Closets

David Bacon Jacobin
20th century American Communist Party members were portrayed as the Red Menace, an enemy within. In reality, they were ordinary people with extraordinarily complex intellectual, political, social, and romantic lives that deserve to be chronicled.