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‘Never in my country’: The COVID-19 Pandemic and US exceptionalism

Jeanne Morefield Responsible Statecraft
The overseers of the Pentagon’s $1 trillion military budget.
Realizing how fast our healthcare system is overwhelmed should trigger demands for deep sustained cuts in an engorged security budget. But the obscene cost of the world’s military hegemon exists on the edge of most Americans’ self-understanding.

Organize a Worker Fightback in the Face of the COVID-19

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker and Gene Elk Working In These Times
Now is the time for all labor organizations committed to forging a better society for working people to step up and help launch workers into the kinds of fights needed to win that future.

Friday Nite Videos | April 10, 2020

One America News | John Oliver. John Prine | That's How Every Empire Falls. Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic. Bernie Talks to Colbert About Health Care As a Human Right. We Clap Because We Care: New Yorkers Applaud Health Care Workers.

Tidbits - Apr. 9, 2020 - Reader Comments: Right to Vote or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, New York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Resources, more...

Reader Comments: The Right to Vote...or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Immigration; Resources; and more....