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The Powerful Perspective of 'Queen & Slim'

Jelani Cobb The New Yorker
The story of “Queen & Slim” is propelled by an arbitrary traffic stop, in which a police officer detains a couple on a first date, played by Daniel Kaluuya and Jodie Turner-Smith

Tidbits - Nov. 28, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment-Obfuscation, Corruption; Benjamin Netanyahu; Bolivia, Chile; Puerto Rico; My Lai Massacre; Whistleblowers, Amazon; workers rights-Climate Crisis, #MeToo; book sale; more....

Reader Comments: Impeachment, Obfuscation, Political Corruption; Benjamin Netanyahu; International Solidarity- Bolivia, Chile; Puerto Rico; Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre; Whistleblowers, Amazon; workers rights-Climate Crisis, #MeToo; book sale; more.

Reflecting on Immigration this Thanksgiving

Ruth Needleman Portside
Centuries of genocide against indigenous peoples have erased the real history of our hemisphere. Descendants of colonizers call the US a nation of immigrants, claiming ownership of land in the name of white people who displaced original inhabitants

The Right-Wing War on American Voters

Bob Moser Right Wing Watch
Anyone who imagined, after Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, that the Republican right had maxxed out the possibilities for suppressing the votes of people unlikely to vote for its candidates was sorely mistaken.

Global Left Midweek - November 27, 2019

Women Stand Up! Palestine Takes On Trump! Also Three Reports from South America, UK Labour Manifesto, Revolutionary World Music, and Shack Dwellers Organize in South Africa!