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To Make Unions Resonate Again, Study the CIO’s History

Declining union density has diminished American workers’ awareness of labor organizing, pride in union status, and sense of belonging to a tradition of collective struggle. The history of the CIO can teach us how to embed unions in the working class

War News

Beau Beausoleil Agitate! Journal
San Francisco poet Beau Beausoleil writes a poem each day during the current war in Gaza.

Labor’s 2024 Political Dilemma

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney In These Times
In order to defeat AIPAC, defend The Squad, and withstand the onslaught of the MAGA movement, we need to do something many of us fundamentally don’t want to do: double down on trying to move Biden on Gaza, as well as trying to secure his re-election.

How German Atheists Made America Great Again

S. C. Gwynne New York Times
What was the Civil War about? In a word, slavery. The driving force in American politics in the decades after the American Revolution was the rise of an arrogant, ruthless, parasitic oligarchy in the South, built on God-ordained economic inequality.