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Some Retail Workers Find Better Deals With Unions

Rachel L. Swarns New York Times
"The term “union” is a dirty word in some circles, even in this city, where labor still has considerable clout and has catapulted many workers into the middle class. But no one can deny that these union workers savor something that is all too rare in the retail industry right now: guaranteed minimum hours — for part-time and full-time employees — and predictable schedules."

Fast Food Strikes Hit 150 US Cities

Ned Resnikoff and Michelle Richinick MSNBC
Thousands of fast food workers across 150 U.S. cities walked off the job on Thursday. Hundreds of those workers — nearly 500 of them, according to a public relations firm supporting the strikes — willfully committed civil disobedience as part of their protest, and were subsequently arrested by the police.

Greece's migrant fruit pickers: 'They kept firing. There was blood everywhere'

Helena Smith The Guardian
Peasant associations, unionists, left-wing parties and anti-racist groups launch a solidarity campaign in Greece following a summer which saw a court set free the men who shot strawberry pickers in Greece the previous year. Thirty-five workers, most from Bangladesh, were injured in the shooting, four of them critically. They had been asking for unpaid back wages. Most migrant farm workers in Greece are without legal papers.

The Most Challenging Issue Facing Liberalism Today

Timothy Noah MSNBC
Most liberals continue to pay lip service to unions and their importance to the Democratic coalition. But in private, many will tell you that they have little use for them. Julian Zelizer, a Princeton political economist, argues that the marriage between liberalism and organized labor “took a terrible turn starting in the 1970s,” when global competition moved manufacturing jobs from the unionized Northeast and Midwest to the non-union South and, ultimately, abroad.

Organizing The Organized Is Now Key To Union Survival

Steve Early Counter Punch
Virtually all labor organizations face the expanded challenge of recruiting and maintaining members in already unionized workplaces where the decision to provide financial support for the union has, for better or worse, become voluntary.

US-Africa Leaders Summit – How Was It For the Unions?

Clare Speak Equal Times
Trade union delegates to the US-Africa summit stressed that economic ties and growth are not enough. They stressed that there needs to be "a more complex view of development," that addresses the issue of growing inequality. As an example, delegates noted that it is not enough to talk about job creation, attention must also be paid to the kind of jobs being created.