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Remember When The Unions Could Take On A Dictator? These Three Do...

Kevin McKenna The Guardian
The documentary film Nae Pasaran pays tribute to the Scottish trade unionists working at the Rolls-Royce plant in East Kilbride in 1974 who refused to carry out repairs to Chilean air force jet engines, eventually rendering them obsolete.

Working People Respond to Midterm Election Results

Kenneth Quinnell AFL-CIO
The best antidote to the politics of hate and fear promoted by the White House and The Republican Party is activism around genuine social reform. Labor leaders recap election results below.

What if Google Unionized?

Jon Evans TechCrunch
What are the checks and balances for Big Tech? What forces and people can keep them honest? The obvious answer is: their employees.

We’re the Organizers of the Google Walkout. Here Are Our Demands

Claire Stapleton, Tanuja Gupta, Meredith Whittaker, Celie O'Neil-Hart, Stephanie Parker, Erica Anderson, and Amr Gaber The Cut
A company is nothing without its workers. From the moment we start at Google we’re told that we aren’t just employees; we’re owners. Every person who walked out today is an owner, and the owners say: Time’s up.

Charter School Strike

Rebecca Burns Working In These Times
Chicago Teachers Just Voted 98% to Authorize the First Charter School Strike in U.S. History