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Sanders for Labor Day

Bernie Sanders Labor Notes
Unprecedented Corporate Greed Demands Unprecedented Worker Response

This Is How the Next Great American General Strike Happens…

Joe Maniscalco Work-Bites
The catalyst for a naturally-occurring general strike may continue to be elusive despite the ongoing struggle facing working people throughout the country. But that can change as workers across all sectors continue to suffer.

Unions Can’t Revitalize Without Rank-and-File Power

Steve Early Jacobin
Within the labor movement, all of the bright ideas and strategic insights in the world won’t amount to much if the democratic rights of union members themselves aren’t respected, restored, and expanded.

Health Care Worker Unions Are on the Side of Patients

Hospitals portray unions as opposed to the interests of patients. The opposite is true: health care unions have been the strongest advocates for safer conditions and patients who can’t pay debts.

New York Workers Are Waiting on $79 Million in Back Wages

Marcus Baram, Documented, with data analysis by Agnel Philip, ProPublica, and Lam Thuy Vo, special to ProPublica ProPublica
The New York State Department of Labor still needs to recover 63% of stolen wages during a five-year period analyzed by ProPublica and Documented. The problem? An understaffed agency with poor tools for recovering wages and enforcing judgments.