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Southern Worker School Charts Course for Power

Southern Workers Assembly Southern Workers Assembly
Nearly 200 rank and filers who are developing a movement of workers in the South gathered in Charlotte, NC on May 17 – 19 for the 2024 Southern Worker School.

Enabling Dictatorship and Destroying Democracy

Muhammad Hidayat Greenfield The Bullet
External and internal threats to the nation – real or perceived – always played a crucial role in the enabling of dictators and the establishment of authoritarian regimes.

Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America

Photo of a sign on a post that says PEOPLE OVER PROFIT
A new report provides perhaps the best detail we have so far on the economic and social consequences of neo-liberal economic policies in America. 

How Women Are Changing Labor Unions

Emma Cordover Politico
Within unions — spaces once largely dominated by white men — leaders say they are pushing women of all races and men of color to take on leadership roles and incentivizing women to join previously male-dominated industries.