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‘The Man Who Changed Colors’

John Bachtell People's World
Reviewer Bachtell on this "multi-layered working-class suspense thriller," the second novel by this widely respected working class movement leader, activist, and thinker.

The Winner and Still Champion

Jeannette Ferrary
Poet/photographer Jeannette Ferrary finds no small irony in the fact that Mattel has turned its products into a movie and the movie into more products, another merchandise opportunity.

Hollywood Is a Union Town, but the History Is Complicated

Steven Wishnia The Indypendent
The American movie industry has been one of the most consistently unionized sectors of the economy since the 1930s — but to achieve that, workers had to overcome “the iron fist of the moguls” and organized crime, says historian Gerald Horne

Giving Shakespeare the Tough Love He Deserves

John Douglas Thompson The New York Times Book Review
In “The Great White Bard,” Farah Karim-Cooper maintains that close attention to race, and racism, will only deepen engagement with the playwright’s canon.