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Simply Breathing

Beau Beausoleil Killing George Floyd
Three years after the murder of George Floyd on March 25 2020, San Francisco poet Beau Beausoleil offers a limited portfolio of 20 poems as homage and legacy. (More will follow in June.)

The Irish Fasting Tradition

Livia Gershon JSTOR
Particularly before the Second Vatican Council (a.k.a. Vatican II), fasting was part of the Catholic calendar. No one took it more seriously than the Irish.


Peter Neil Carroll This Land, These People: The 50 States
Approaching the 3rd anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, the crisis of race relations remains contested ground, even in liberal states like Minnesota.

‘Plan 75’ Review: Haunting Japanese Heartbreaker Imagines a Dystopia That Could Start Any Day Now

David Erlich IndieWire
Chie Hayakawa's raw and sobering debut imagines a near-future Japan in which the elderly are encouraged to volunteer for euthanization. The scariest thing about Hayakawa’s film isn’t its familiar depiction of a society that privileges human output over human dignity, but rather its soft dystopian sketch of a society that’s able to soft-shoe around dehumanization and/or sell it as an act of grace.