Staughton Lynd seemed like a personal force almost more than a person within the antiwar movement of the 1960s. My Country Is the World largely and usefully recounts the controversies that came with his rise in the peace movement of the middle 1960s
Joel Wendland-Liu
Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
This book, writes reviewer Wendland-Liu, shifts the geographic focus of "origins of capitalism" debates from Europe "to the motion, spaces, circuits and conflicts in multiple global sites and stages of economic production relations."
A new documentary by Alain Gomis turns footage from an interview with Thelonious Monk into a commentary on the submerged violence of the star-making process.
Writers, producers, stylists, and other workers on “Trisha’s Southern Kitchen” and “The Kitchen” are forming a union with the Writers Guild of America, East
When the newly elected Governor of Oklahoma committed his state to Christian nationalism,
the poet and war veteran H.C. Palmer raises some objections to such gestures.
Reviewer Johnson calls this book "a rich work that forces readers to confront questions about the nature of anarchism, conspiracy theories and knowledge."
As a scene from the film reveals Putin’s nemesis Alexei Navalny phoning up the secret agent who put Novichok (poison) in his pants, this terrifying documentary enters the realms of the far-fetched spy thriller – and yet it’s all true.
In Pennsylvania Dutch Country, African Americans have created a distinct, delicious cuisine, combining Southern and Amish cooking from Coatesville, PA, where the cuisines of Amish and African American communities have commingled over generations.
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