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Memorial Day

Joe Zaccardi
For California poet Joe Zaccardi our holiday of memory brings back wartime scenes of flying and hope of rescue.

Ladders Last a Long Time

Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite London Review of Books
A collection of essays by Raphael Samuel, the late historian who was one of the intellectual founders of the New Left in the United Kingdom.

Becoming Educated

Joanne Durham Vox Populi
The grief of today’s wars, North Carolina poet Joanne Durham reminds us, falls heaviest on the children of the victims.

How the Black Meme Turns a Trope Into a Trap

Eileen Isagon Skyers Hyperallergic
Legacy Russell’s Black Meme argues that owning, replicating, and remediating Black material is a theft rooted in historical frameworks of subordination.