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A Seldom Mentioned Threat to the Two-State Solution

Padraig O'Malley The Conversation
One of the seldom-discussed obstacles to the implementation of a two-state solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the demographic change taking place within Israel’s Jewish population. Much has been made of the growth of the Palestinian population within Israel/Palestine, but the birthrate of conservative ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are exercising ever-greater influence in Israeli politics, culture, and the armed forces, also exceeds that of Orthodox and secular Jews.

Friday Nite Videos -- January 8, 2016

Birthers Target Ted Cruz. Bernie Sanders: Wall Street Reform. Tracy Chapman - The Times They Are A Changin'. Dry Up or Drown - Evan Webb and the Rural Route Ramblers. Don't Let Donald Trump Fool You: Rightwing Populism Is the New Normal.

Birthers Target Ted Cruz

Donald Trump questions whether Canadian-born Ted Cruz is constitutionally eligible to become president, so Trevor enlists a founding father to settle the matter.

A Showdown Year for Reproductive Rights

Nina Martin ProPublica
Two potentially sweeping Supreme Court cases set the stage for a seismic shift in the battle over abortion and contraception.

Bernie Sanders and ‘The Big Short’

Larry Cohen Campaign for America's Future
Hollywood stars play all the major roles in the film, but it is no puff piece for the 1 percent. After watching “The Big Short” and talking to viewers, it’s hard to argue against Sanders’ demands to increase taxes on the billionaires and break up the banks, and use the revenue to fund better health care and education.

Some Sort of Shining

Howie Good
New York poet Howie Good, winner of the Prize Americana for poetry in 2015, opens a window to a natural world--"Some Sort of Shining"-- that's always there, but seldom seen.