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A Return to Gompers

Dustin Guastella Jacobin
Teamster president Sean O’Brien’s speech at the Republican National Convention may represent a return to nonpartisan realpolitik for unions. But does that reflect labor's strength or its decline?

O’Brien Played Into Trumps’ Phony Pro-Worker Rebrand

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
We get why union leaders want “access”; they’ve been shut out of real influence for so long. But it’s delusional to think that Trump might swap out his anti-worker—really, anti-humanity—policies; they are at the core of his being

(Mostly) Useful Government Numbers About Poverty, Jobs, and Unemployment

Frank Stricker Dollars & Sense
The population of job-seekers is greater than the BLS’s unemployed population. It is closer to National Jobs for All Network’s (NJFAN) Full Count, which adds part-timers who want full-time work and people who want jobs but have not searched recently.