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The First Atomic Explosion, 16 July 1945

William Burr National Security Archive
Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was Trinity, the first, test-run atomic explosion in the New Mexican desert. The fallout is still with us, literally and figuratively, 79 years later. This is the story of Trinity, based on declassified documents.

Voyage to Outer Space

William Trowbridge Birmingham Poetry Review
Midwest poet William Trowbridge has a good eye for bargain real estate, perhaps a good reason to stay on Earth.

Netanyahu’s Bellicose Congressional Address Draws Scorn

Blaise Malley Responsible Statecraft
'Our enemies are your enemies,' the prime minister insisted, setting up confrontation with Iran. He didn’t present as someone on the verge of signing a ceasefire deal to end the war and free the Israeli and American hostages.

How Israel Plans To Whitewash Its War Crimes in Gaza

Dan Owen +972 Magazine
The Israeli army uses the veneer of internal accountability to fend off external criticism. But its record reveals how few perpetrators are punished. Every day, more and more horrifying evidence emerges, revealing what many Israelis seek to repress.