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Only One Party Favors Political Violence

Brian Tyler Cohen Brian Tyler Cohen's Youtube Channel
Political violence should never be acceptable. But one party has winked at, enabled or outright encouraged violence time after time. The record is clear and extensive.

Tariffs Don’t Protect Jobs. Don’t Be Fooled.

Richard D. Wolff Independent Media Institute - Economy For All
Both Trump and Biden imposed high tariffs on imported products made in China and other countries. Those impositions broke with and departed from the previous half century’s policies favoring “free trade.”

Myanmar: The Coup, Resistance, and Global Solidarity

Kurt Stand The Bullet
Three years ago, on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup, ending nearly a decade of civilian rule, arresting countless numbers in a brutal crackdown on popular protest. Three years on, resistance to the coup continues.

eBay Workers Are Playing the Union Card

Alex N. Press Jacobin
Workers at eBay subsidiary TCGplayer, an online trading card marketplace, picketed the company yesterday to protest alleged pregnancy discrimination against one of their own. More than a year after unionizing, they still don’t have a contract.