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Exactly Why Is President Obama Going to Israel?

Carl Bloice Foreign Policy in Focus
As soon was announced that the President would be visiting the Middle East, supporters of the policies of the Netanyahu government went into overdrive in an effort to throw cold water on any idea that the diplomatic mission could achieve any breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process.”

Russian Meteor Largest in a Century

Geoff Brumfiel Nature
The explosion caused by the crash of a meteor in Russia rivalled a nuclear blast, but the rock was still too small for advance-warning networks to spot.

The War on Drugs Is a War on Kids

Patricia J. Williams The Nation
Drugs are ubiquitous in this country, and yet we know that some people have the privilege of doctor-prescribed intoxication, while others are thrown into dungeons for seeking the same relief. We know that the war on drugs is heavily inflected with Jim Crow–ism, economic inequality, gun culture myths and political opportunism. The result: the war on drugs has metastasized into a war on children.

The Day the World Said No to War

Phyllis Bennis IPS blog
Ten years ago people around the world rose up. In almost 800 cities across the globe, protesters filled the streets of capital cities and tiny villages, following the sun from Australia and New Zealand and the small Pacific islands, through the snowy steppes of North Asia and down across the South Asian peninsula, across Europe and down to the southern edge of Africa, then jumping the pond first to Latin America and then finally, last of all, to the United States.

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 15, 2013

The SNL skit that never aired: Chuck Hagel confirmation hearing. Researchers reconstruct the common ancestor of mammals. Stephen Colbert reports on the state of the Rubio. Some of the awesome people who create Wikipedia.

Anchorage Unions Protest Proposed Labor Law Revision

Kyle Hopkins Anchorage Daily News
A large demonstration was held in Anchorage to protest the Mayor's attempt to institute sweeping changes he believes are needed to streamline labor negotiations and deliver city services cheaper and more efficiently. As written, the plan would limit raises, eliminate the right to strike and give the Assembly the final word on stalled labor disputes, among many new provisions.

Tidbits - February 14, 2013

Published by Portside
Readers respond - The Persistence of Racial Resentment; Meredith Tax on Democracy, Islam and the Left. Response to Carl Proper (The Americanization of the United States); Prisoner X. Plus: Grad Students Take Action at UIC - Urge School to Not Break Their Hearts; Resources on Racial Justice; Role of Public Intellectuals - New York - Feb 15; Life of Eslanda Robeson - Conversation with Barbara Ransby - Chicago - Feb 19; Red Brain, Blue Brain - There is a Difference;