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Wild Women Don't Have the Blues

Wild Women Don't Have the Blues shows how the blues were born out of the economic and social transformation of African American life early in this century. It recaptures the lives and times of Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Ida Cox, Alberta Hunter, Ethel Waters and the other legendary women who made the blues a vital part of American culture. For more information, go here.

Michigan: Largest Fast Food Strike Yet

Ned Resnikoff MSNBC
As many as 400 workers at more than 60 fast food restaurants in the Detroit metro area walked off the job on Friday. The fast food strike in Detroit is the second major labor action to hit an American city’s fast food industry this week: On Wednesday and Thursday, more than 100 workers in St. Louis walked off the job at roughly 30 different restaurants. These rolling walkouts followed similar actions in New York, central Pennsylvania, and Chicago.

Friday Nite Videos -- May 10, 2013 (Mothers' Day Edition)

Bill Withers -- Ain't No Sunshine and Grandma's Hands. Elizabeth Warren: give students banker treatment. Wild Women Don't Have the Blues. Stephen Colbert interviews Congresswoman Donna Edwards. The Girls in the Band: documentary.