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This May Day, a Call for a Path to Citizenship

Christine Neumann-Ortiz Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel
This year, the energy is palpable, because there is broad recognition that the chances of passing immigration reform are the best they have been in a decade.

May Day: Reflecting on Bangladesh Factory Disaster and Corporate Terror

by Paula Chakravartty and Stephanie Luce Aljazeera
This May Day, we might want to return to the similarities between the acts of violence outside of Dhaka and in Boston, both events resulted in senseless bloodshed of innocent victims. While we might debate how to prevent tragedies like the Boston marathon bombings, it is abundantly clear that enforcement of safety standards and basic regulations would help prevent the sheer scale of terror and violence from being unleashed yet again in Bangladesh.

From Bad Jobs to Good Jobs

By Colin Gordon Dissent: A Quarterly of Politics and Culture
The strongest payoff comes with socializing and universalizing health and retirement coverage. Adopting either would erase the bad jobs entirely.

Fight for May Day’s Two Traditions

By Jane Slaughter Labor Notes
May Day started with the demand for the eight-hour day, and struggles over work time are again front and center as workers experience either drought or flood.

May Day Rallies and Strikes Around the Globe: Live Updates

Millions took to the streets to take part in May 1 demonstrations around the globe. From union rallies to protests and clashes with police, the International Labor Day events drew attention to the issues of austerity, unemployment and workers rights.