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Medicaid Work Requirements Would Worsen South's Health Care Crisis

Rebekah Barber Facing South
USA map showing work requirements states
Experts say Medicaid work requirements will create more problems than solutions, two Southern states — Arkansas and Kentucky — have already been granted federal approval to begin implementing them. These states', among the nation's poorest, work requirements could push thousands into coverage gaps.

Finding the Truth Amid Israel’s Lies

Ilan Pappe The Electronic Intifada
The famous – and by now overused – expression that history is written by the victors can be countered in many ways. One way is by unpacking the victors’ publications in order to expose the lies, fabrications and misrepresentations, as well as their less conscious actions.

Rojava, a Socialist-Feminist Bastion in Syria, is Under Siege

Meredith Tax The Indypendent
In the middle of a war zone, despite constant attack and a Turkish and Iraqi-Kurdish economic blockade which has cut off access to sufficient food, medical supplies, and electricity, the four million people of Rojava are trying to build a new kind of feminist democratic politics.

Former Prisoner of Conscience Condemns Amnesty International

Camilo E. Mejia teleSUR
demonstrators with Nicaraguan flag
An open letter to Amnesty International, by former Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience Camilo E. Mejia, on the violence gripping his native Nicaragua. Through this letter I express my unequivocal condemnation of Amnesty International.

How ‘Pose’ Restores Pride to LGBTQ People of Color

Ashlee Marie Preston Mic
Most depictions of trans people in the media either position trans people as the butt of the joke, a victim on a crime show or a hypersexualized trope. Instead, Pose centers trans people of color from a first-person perspective.