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A Power Broker Who Wants Labor at the Table, Not on the Menu

Noam Scheiber The New York Times
lee Saunders, President of the 1.6 million American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers is not only a major leader in the AFL-CIO, but one of the prime supporters of Secretary Hillary Clinton.

The Peace Boat Golden Rule Sails Into a New Era of Nuclear Activism

Dawn Stover Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Achieving disarmament will probably take more than volunteers sailing into town to host a potluck picnic for yachters and stand-up paddlers. It will probably take more than “people who have never thought about war and peace,” as Jaccard calls them, spotting a sailboat with a peace symbol and wondering what it’s all about. Sometimes it takes something brave and brazen to catch a nation’s attention.

Nostalgia TV

Meghan Lewit Los Angeles Review of Books
From Halt and Catch Fire to The Americans, some of "the best television of the moment is mining the fairly recent past in a meaningful way." Critic Meghan Lewit on what nostalgia for the 1980s and '90s might tell us about who we are now.

Disrupting Uber

Vic Vaiana Jacobin
Driver-owned apps could end Uber’s exploitative reign over the ride-share market.

There’s No Business Like the U.S. Global Arms Business

William D. Hartung TomDispatch
When U.S. firms dominate a $70 billion a year global market, you’d expect to hear about it. Not so with the global arms trade. There are occasional pieces that, for example, note the impact of U.S. weapons transfers to Saudi Arabia, or the disastrous dispensation of weaponry to U.S. allies in Syria. But the sheer size of the U.S. arms trade, the politics that drive it, the companies that profit from it, and its devastating global impacts are rarely discussed.

Letter from Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier American Indians and Friends
As the last remaining months of President Obama’s term pass by, my anxiety increases. I believe that this President is my last hope for freedom, and I will surely die here if I am not released by January 20, 2017. So I ask you all again, as this is the most crucial time in the campaign to gain my freedom, please continue to organize public support for my release, and always follow the lead of the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee.