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Long-time UNITE HERE Local 2 President Mike Casey Stepping Down

Marc Norton and Jeff Myers San Francisco Bay View
Mike Casey, who has led San Francisco’s UNITE HERE Local 2 for over 20 years, is stepping down. Casey was first elected president of Local 2 in 1994, after a tumultuous period in the 1970s and 1980s that resulted in large membership losses. He has presided over a period of stabilization, consolidation and growth. Local 2, once known as the Culinary Union for its many restaurant contracts that have long since disappeared, is now better known as the Hotel Union.

Amidst Media Backlash, Key Part of Hersh’s Report on Bin Laden Killing Corroborated

Kevin Gosztola Firedoglake
The establishment US media’s backlash against award winning journalist Seymour Hersh for his report in the London Review of Books on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has fueled a perception that it has been wholly discredited. Yet, a key part of Hersh’s report has now been corroborated by the New York Times’ Carlotta Gall, a Pakistan newspaper, and partly by NBC News. Hersh’s report challenges the Obama Administration claims on the capture of Bin Laden.

New Attack on Public Employee Unions: Not About ‘Free Speech’

Michael Hiltzik Los Angeles Times
Attacks on public employee unions, especially teachers unions, have become a permanent feature of the political landscape. One glaring example is the lawsuit filed last month in federal court in Los Angeles against six California and national teachers unions. The lawsuit purports to defend the “free speech” rights of four California schoolteachers, but its real goal is to silence the collective voice of union members on political and educational issues.

New Israeli Administrator for the Occupied Territories Says Palestinians Are Sub-Human

John Brown +972 Magazine
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed the coalition agreement with the right-wing extremist settler party, Jewish Home, he also agreed to appoint Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan as Israel’s deputy defense minister, responsible for the army’s “Civil Administration” of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Member of the Knesset (MK) Rabbi Ben-Dahan has publicly declared Palestinians “are not human.”

Five More Years of Tory Government: What Fresh Hell Is This?

Roisin Davis Truthdig
Amid the highest voter turnout since 1997, Prime Minister David Cameron and his Conservative Party trounced the opposition to return with a majority 331 seats (out of 650). The Tory victory has annihilated multiparty coalition politics, provided Conservatives a free rein to advance their brutal politics of inequality, and emboldened Cameron to lead Britain further down the path of austerity, privatization, increased surveillance and jingoism.

Walmart Selling Water from Drought-Stricken California

Amanda Holpuch The Guardian
Walmart is the latest company found to be sourcing its bottled water from drought-stricken California, as state residents push for greater regulation of the bottling industry. Last week a local television station revealed Walmart’s bottled water comes from Sacramento’s municipal water supply. There is little oversight or monitoring of water bottling plants in the state, which are operated by major corporations including Starbucks, Nestle, Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

Two Poems by Eleanor Lerman

Eleanor Lerman The Poet
The poet explains the transition between these two poems and reveals a mordant humor.: "That Sure is My Little Dog," written some years ago, arose from what I felt at the time was a lack of political outrage on the left, particularly among younger people, but by the time of Occupy Wall Street, I was feeling more hopeful about my generation (the Woodstock era folks) passing the banner on to the next.generation. Which leads us to the second poem, "Leonard Cohen's Guitar."