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The Impact of the Browning of America on Anti-Blackness

Charles M. Blow New York Times
The coming shift of the country from mostly white to mostly nonwhite — is one of the greatest hopes in the fight against white supremacy and oppression. For me, white supremacy is only one foot of the beast. The other is anti-Blackness.

Christmas Comes

Peter Neil Carroll
For Pagans and other Non-Christians, the holiday spirit can mean helping the hungry and homeless, and remember to wear a mask.

2021, in 6 Minutes

Year two of the coronavirus pandemic was filled with vaccines and variants, summer Olympics, joys, and sorrows.

Bernie Sanders Eviscerates Elon Musk

Bernie invites Elon Musk on the pod to talk income inequality, greed, innovation, political revolution, tweets, taxes, and California vs. Vermont cannabis.