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Does Raising the Minimum Wage Cost Jobs?

Dave Johnson
A quick point on whether the minimum wage “costs jobs.” Here is the reality: The minimum wage is now the lowest it has been in decades. In fact, 40% Of Americans Now Make Less Than 1968 Minimum Wage, if that wage had kept pace with productivity increases.

Newcomers Change Face of Southern Politics

Chris Kromm Institute for Southern Studies
If current trends hold, all Southern states will be transformed in some way by the changing blend of Southerners, new and old.

Fairness at Peabody Coal - Deadline Coming Up

Laura Flanders Grit TV
Remember the phrase "good union job"? Living wages, basic safety protections, and guaranteed quality healthcare for life. Today Peabody Coal is taking away retiree health care and pensions, yet they have record profits. Why the fight for retiree pensions at Peabody Coal is in everyone's interest.

Tidbits - May 23, 2013

Reader Comments on Matt Taibbi: Everything Is Rigged; Chiefs Declare Keystone XL Invalid; Rape in the Military; Islamophobia; Real IRS Scandal; Kissinger; Viet Nam War; Cambodia; Marx Banned in Hungary; Announcements: Black Talkies On Parade Film Series - Los Angeles - May 25; The Future of the Left - A Conversation on Socialist Unity - New York - June 5 - event moved to larger location

Chicago School Closings-Largest in US History

Diane Ravitch, Mark Naison, Karen Lewis, Randi Weingarten
Never in U.S. history has a local school board - or any other board, appointed or elected - chosen to close 49 public schools. School closings are part and parcel of a strategy for remaking the American metropolis and will further cement economic inequality. "Today is a day of mourning for the children of Chicago. Their education has been hijacked by an unrepresentative, unelected corporate school board. Closing schools is not an education plan."

Message to Graduates 2013 and 1968 - Hopes, Struggles, Huge and the Biggest Debt Ever

Robert Reich, Phil Izzo
Cynicism or struggle? Cynicism is self-fulfilling prophesy. The generation of 1968 fought - America changed. The changes didn't come easily. Every positive step was met with determined resistance. But we became better and stronger because we were determined to change. Today to make progress, to prevent slipping backwards - will require no less steadfastness, intelligence, and patience than was necessitated before. Graduates today are the most indebted - ever.

Terracide and the Terrarists, Destroying the Planet for Record Profits

Tom Engelhardt
"Terracide." A new word - it's meant to encompass the almost unimaginable -- what the big energy companies are doing on and to our planet right now. Their execs are consciously destroying/melting it for profit and if that doesn't make them terrorists -- or terrarists - what does? And if that doesn't also make the companies themselves the biggest criminal enterprise in history, then how would you define that term?

World Climate Crisis and Organized Labor

Joe Uehlein and Jeremy Brecher, Rebecca Burns
With atmospheric carbon dioxide levels having reached the 400 ppm point - way above the 350 ppm considered to be the upper limit for avoiding environmental catastrophe - organized labor is struggling with the tension between the immediate need for jobs in a crisis-ridden economy and the perils to humanity's future of avoiding the sacrifices required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The following two articles discuss those tensions from different angles.