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A Portside Message: The Challenge of Wannabe Fascism

Portside Moderators Portside
How can we prevent a wannabe dictator from consolidating absolute power? Please help us to inform, analyze and mobilize in the year ahead. Here's how. You can help Portside...

#GivingTuesday and the Challenge of Wannabe Fascism

How can we prevent a wannabe dictator from consolidating absolute power? Please help us to inform, analyze and mobilize in the year ahead. Here's how you can help Portside on Giving Tuesday...


Trade Unions Can and Must Rebuild Democracy

Luc Triangle International Centre for Trade Union Rights
It is time to make good on promises made in the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia, 80 years since its publication. By harnessing the trade union movement's collective power we can ensure that progress envisaged under the Declaration becomes a reality.

Global Elections in the Shadow of Neoliberalism

Joseph E. Stiglitz Project Syndicate
Scandals, culture wars, and threats to democracy dominate the headlines in this super election year. But anti-democratic populist authoritarianism is itself the legacy of a misbegotten economic ideology.

Will the US Move Toward “Demonstration Elections”?

Van Gosse The Nation
If fascism—or even just an authoritarian regime—does happen here in November, it may look surprisingly familiar. The current Supreme Court is likely to go along with whatever bald-faced violation of constitutional norms Trump orders...
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