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Why Bernie Sanders Is Thanking Elon Musk

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
The Vermont senator said Musk has done "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society."

Friday Nite Videos | May 17, 2024

Jon Stewart Gives Sen. Robert Menendez a Corruption Lesson. Donald Trump Sings I Fought the Law. Starbucks Tried To Crush Its Baristas. How AI Tells Israel Who To Bomb. Bernie Sanders Has Bad News for Trump.


Oh Say AOC

David Klion Bookforum
This new book is a chronicle of the Democratic Party’s left flank

Israel Must Change Its Policy on Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Sen. Bernie Sanders interviewed by Margaret Brennan CBS Face the Nation
Sen. Bernie Sanders, said Sunday the Biden administration needs to make clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that if his government wants to continue to receive U.S. support, Israel must change its policy on humanitarian aid to Gaza.
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