If there was ever a moment when progressives needed to communicate our vision to the people of our country, this is that time. Despair is not an option.
Democrats should stop mocking trump’s ground game snd start learning from it. Cable ads and bussed-in volunteers don’t cut it any more. If the party wants to win, it must engage voters in a collective push for change.
Much of the post-election Democratic Party fretting has appropriately centered on the degree to which it has lost the presumption of being the party of the working class. One solution: "Maybe Democrats have to embrace a Sanders-style disruption."
Reader Comments: Trump 2.0; Resistance 2.0 and Community Organizing; Myths About Kamala Harris’s Loss; Scoundrel Time - Lessons from the McCarthy Period for Today; Your Help Needed - Cubans Needs Our Help More Than Ever; Cartoons, more....
"While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change," said the Vermont Independent. "And they're right."
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