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Why Has Trump Stopped Attacking Big Business?

Matt Stoller The Big Newsletter
In 2016, Donald Trump went after CEOs so often that the Wall Street Journal set up a tracker of stocks whose leaders he insulted. No longer. What happened?

Antitax Nation

David Cay Johnston The American Prospect
Michael Graetz’s new book explains how clever marketing duped America into shoveling more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations.

An Unequal Tax Trade

David Dayen The American Prospect
The business tax credits in the Wyden-Smith deal are five times as generous as the Child Tax Credit expansion, according to government scorekeepers.

The AMLO Project

Edwin F. Ackerman Sidecar/New Left Review
Whatever the shortcomings of AMLO’s answers, his attempt to break with neoliberalism cannot easily be dismissed.

Where Are They Now? Trump Administration Edition.

Megan K. Stack New York Times
Current and former government officials, now lobbyists, among the most glorified and vilified characters of these tumultuous years have forged a peace—working together to ensure the world’s wealthiest and most powerful players thrive amid the turmoil
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