Researchers are rethinking what they know. Across the animal kingdom, models have vastly underestimated the energy females invest in reproduction. A lack of women in the field might have led researchers to pay less attention to the costs.
Dozens of labs around the world are striving to grow models of human embryos to study development, fertility and therapies. They are entering uncharted ethical territory.
Peter Mombaerts, Daniela Hirschfeld
Knowable Magazine
It’s clear that genes, receptors and neurons all play a role in detecting odors. But much of how we make sense of what we sniff remains mysterious. A neuroscientist explains. Q and A with Neurobiologist Peter Mombaerts.
Peter W Halligan, Cardiff University and David A Oakley, UCL
The Conversation
Why did the experience of consciousness evolve from our underlying brain physiology? Despite being a vibrant area of neuroscience, current research on consciousness is characterized by disagreement and controversy . . .
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