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Living on a Smoke-Bomb of a Planet

Tom Engelhardt TomDispatch
As those Canadian wildfires suggest, we’re now living on a new, not terribly recognizable, ever more perilous world in which not just this country but Planet Earth itself is in decline. Climate change is quickly becoming the climate emergency.

Friday Nite Videos | June 9, 2023

I Tracked Down My Anonymous Landlord... Here's What Happened. How a 1968 Student Protest Fueled a Chicano Rights Movement. Santos' Lawyer Was Part of the J6 Mob. Why Did Our Brains Shrink? The Canadian Village Incinerated by Record Temperature.

Roxham Road and the Canadian Unconscious

Rinaldo Walcott Canadian Dimension
The closure of the border crossing is a living embodiment of Canada’s continued white supremacist and Eurocentric foundations

Beyond Fatalism: Renewing Working-Class Politics

Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
Working people never stopped fighting as neoliberalism was imposed. Bouts of resistance kept resurfacing, but remained localized and politically narrow. In the absence of structures that could give workers confidence in collective struggles, workers were left with survival tactics that came at great cost and unintentionally reproduced neoliberalism’s individualist ethos.
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