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How Portland Teachers Led the Longest K–12 Strike in Decades

Melissa Blount and Matt Reed; Illustrator: Joe Brusky Rethinking Schools
The seeds of our strike were sown 10 years ago. In the 2013–2014 school year, school district leaders demanded more than 75 concessions, including bigger class sizes, fewer workload protections, and cuts to healthcare benefits.


The Movement and the Mayor

Jesse Sharkey Hammer and Hope
What does it mean to have Brandon Johnson, a Chicago Teachers Union organizer, in office?

Learning From Chile: Navigating Complexities of Political Crises

Pauline Lipman, Rico Gutstein Convergence
For the US there is much to learn from the Chilean experience about relationships between left government, movements, and popular protagonism and the importance of political clarity, socialist strategy and organization.

The Movement and the Mayor

Jesse Sharkey Hammer and Hope
We have gone from the dynamic of opposition to the dynamic of a campaign and now to the dynamic of working with our comrade in office, all within a few short months.


Teachers Are Striking for More Than Just Pay Raises

Courtney E. Martin Vox
What Oakland’s teachers union reveals about labor strikes in 2023: "Common good" bargaining--focusing not only on pay and benefits but also issues like reparations, housing, and transportation--is offering a fresh strategy for other unions.

Critical Race Feminism and Common Good Unionism

Stacy Davis Gates, Sheri Davis, Marilyn Sneiderman and Alisha Volante NonProfit Quarterly
When Bargaining for the Common Good is done well it models an alternative way to theorize the root causes of oppression, to take action with impacted communities to remedy the problem, and to reflect on what liberation looks....


Ten Years Ago, Chicago Teachers Gave Us All a Jolt of Hope

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
On the tenth anniversary of the Chicago Teachers Union’s groundbreaking strike, Labor Notes is reissuing their award-winning book "How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers." This is the new introduction.

Tidbits - Jan. 20, 2022 - Reader Comments: Supreme Court Spreads COVID, Children, Schools, Omicron; Capitol Armed Coup Plotters; Voting Rights; Real Martin Luther King; Harry Belafonte; Don’t Look Up; Student Activist Scholarships; more....

Reader Comments: Supreme Court Spreads COVID, Children, Schools, Omicron; Progressives and Democrats; Capitol Armed Coup Plotters; Voting Rights; Real Martin Luther King; Housing and Profits; Don’t Look Up; Student Activist Scholarships; more....
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