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How To Kill Children Under Siege Legally

Alex Lo South China Morning Post
Some of the most respected publications in Britain and America have resorted to obscure legal grammar such as the use of commas to justify killing children ‘legally’ in Palestine.

Tidbits – May 30 – Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children – Where Is “Red Line?”; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response: Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; More

Reader Comments: Bombing Rafah Children; Where is "Red Line?"; Trump and Palestine Protests; Response-Women Are Changing Labor Unions; NYC and Medicare Advantage; Organizations Raising Money for Humanitarian Relief in Rafah; Announcements; Cartoons;

How Portland Teachers Led the Longest K–12 Strike in Decades

Melissa Blount and Matt Reed; Illustrator: Joe Brusky Rethinking Schools
The seeds of our strike were sown 10 years ago. In the 2013–2014 school year, school district leaders demanded more than 75 concessions, including bigger class sizes, fewer workload protections, and cuts to healthcare benefits.

The Case for Spending Way More on Babies

Annie Lowrey The Atlantic
Rx Kids has started sending $1,500 to every pregnant person in Flint, Michigan, and $500 a month for their child’s first year. It is a “prescription” against poverty, says pediatrician Hanna-Attisha. It's something the whole country should do.

Friday Nite Videos | November 10, 2023

Filmmakers Ask Gaza Children: What Is Your Dream? Democrats in House Call for Cease-fire. Washington's Dream | SNL. Little Fishermen, Rich Fisherman and Why Our Videos Got Raided. Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death.

The Invisible Slaughter of Palestinian Children

Charles Hirschkind Informed Comment
According to the charity Save the Children, “More children have been killed in the Gaza Strip over the last three weeks than in every other armed conflict annually since 2019.”


Before I Was a Gazan

Naomi Shihab Nye Voices in the Air
The poet Naomi Shihab Nye expresses a child’s sense of helplessness, trapped by politics and war.

Does Roblox Make Money From Child Labor?

Roblox is a social platform where users, mostly kids, build games for other kids to play, getting compensated in scraps while the corporation rakes in billions of dollars. 

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