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Friday Nite Videos | July 12, 2024

Top Dems Pull Away From Biden. I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane (Parody). The Billionaire Family Suffocating Rural America. Clarence Thomas Tries To Protect Himself. “I’m Bored, So I Shoot”: Israeli Troops Authorized to Shoot at Will.

The Democrats Are Slow-Walking Into Fascism

Van Gosse The Nation
Is doubling down on a candidate who is almost certainly going to lose really the best the left can do? Until and unless Schumer and Jeffries, joined perhaps by Pelosi and Clyburn, make that visit to the White House, we remain stuck in never land.

Schumer Spoke for Diaspora Jews

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Schumer was giving voice to what most Democratic officeholders believed but were afraid to say, and he clearly had the blessing of President Biden to go ahead and make that speech. It also showed the divide between Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews.

Why Resolving Democrats’ Internal War on Climate Policy Will Be Hard

Kate Aronoff The New Republic
Details on the permitting reform demanded by Senator Manchin remain scant. Many fear it could prove a giveaway to fossil fuel companies. The majority leader seems determined to see it through, despite ever more Democrats expressing their skepticism.
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